So, remember my earlier post last week sometime about how I cleaned my fridge out and realized the ridiculous amount of food we waste! Well, I am going to try to do that every Wednesday and am calling it: Wasteful Wednesday. I will try to remember to clean out my fridge/freezer/pantry and take a picture of the items I have to get rid of. Hopefully it will go down to nothing eventually! At least that is my goal! So this week, I have the following picture. MUCH better than the previous post, but still too much! I don't know if I forget I have these things in there or what, but I would have totally eaten it if I would have paid more attention! It is about 1/2 of a 1/2 gallon of 2% milk, some oatmeal I pre-cook to eat for breakfasts, a little bit of Madison's food that she didn't eat all of and a lonely jalapeno.. And I do have to confess, I did throw out a little bag of shredded coconut earlier this week. It was like a rock! So, off to get groceries for the week. I have actually planned out my menu for 7 days and am only getting what groceries I need for the meals and a few staples. We will see how it goes!
Clean out your fridge/freezer/pantry and see what you had to throw away... Even better take a picture and email it to me and we can add it to the blog! See if we can change the amout of waste we have! I look forward to seeing what you have. fsquaredfitness@gmail.com