OMG. I am actually embarrassed to do this post, but I think it is important in recognizing what we, as families, waste in just food! Especially in this time of the devastation in Haiti and around the world. I subscribe to a website, The Frugal Girl, www.thefrugalgirl.com and once a week, she takes a photo and posts it of what her family wastes for food. There is hardly anything! But to her it is alot. So, I decided to clean out my fridge today and this is what we have wasted. Disgusting! Take a minute to evaluate what you and your family wastes, and think about what you need to do to make it less. Maybe, make smaller portions, (hey, isn't that one of the keys to losing weight??), maybe freeze some of it for later. Anyway, think about it! Feel free to take pictures and post them on my facebook group, f squared fitness, or email them to me at: fsquaredfitness@gmail.com and I can post them for you. On a good note... Happy Valentines Day!